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Title *

MobileHive Mk3 v80 UAV mobile carrier

Ultra-sensitive image, aerial photography new realm with 1-inch CMOS image sensor, Max pixel up to 2000W, the highest 6K/30fps video shooting. Even in the low-light environment of 0.1 lux, the naked eye is basically out of order. Thanks to the super-sensitive light-sensing algorithm developed by channel intelligence, using a high ISO can still make clean, delicate, low-noise night-vision video, bring to awaken the sense of the quality of the reconstruction.
Ultra-sensitive image, aerial photography new realm with 1-inch CMOS image sensor, Max pixel up to 2000W, the highest 6K/30fps video shooting. Even in the low-light environment of 0.1 lux。
2000W, the highest 6K/30fps video shooting. Even in the low-light environment of 0.1 lux。
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  • Phnom Penh City Garden I09/01 Sen Sok District Phnom Penh City
  • +855 975799817
Provide you with the best quality UAV, and professional services for your escort。