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The role of drone countermeasures

2024-01-06 view:66
1. Set up no fly zones
This is its most practical feature. The flight of drones does not have a fixed time. So, no one can be certain when the drone will fly out. In order to ensure that the concert footage is not leaked in advance, a no fly zone is directly set up, which can save a lot of manpower and material resources. At the same time, it can also maximize the safety of performers. It can also be applied to other institutions or important departments. It can send a signal to the black drone to prohibit flight and then make an emergency landing.
2. Fixed-point landing
Anti drone equipment can also allow drones to land at fixed locations, achieving the goal of recovering drones. This can ensure that the black drone cannot enter the monitored area to the maximum extent possible, while also preventing the other party from interfering with the no fly area for a short period of time.
3. Control takeover
The system can also directly take over the black drone, achieving the goal of controlling the black drone by cutting off the signal between the drone and the controller.
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