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What are the specific applications of drones at sea

2023-12-19 view:87
.With the continuous increase in global energy demand, offshore wind power, as a type of renewable energy, has gradually become the focus of people's attention. However, the construction and maintenance of offshore wind power face many challenges, such as being far from land, relying on weather and marine environment, which makes traditional detection and maintenance methods costly and inefficient. The application of offshore wind power drone technology in the field of offshore wind power has received increasing attention due to its advantages of speed, accuracy, low cost, and safety. The following are its applications in the field of offshore wind power.
1、 Offshore wind tower inspection and maintenance
In terms of inspection and maintenance of wind power towers themselves, offshore wind power drones can use various sensor devices such as high-definition cameras, thermal imaging cameras, and LiDAR to perform high-power, wide coverage, and high-precision imaging and mapping on the tower body, thereby obtaining various information about the tower body, such as damage, aging, rust, and cracks. And under the control of the drone, a series of repairs, coating of the tower body, and replacement of components can be carried out, saving time, cost, and manpower.
2、 Offshore wind turbine blade inspection
Drones can fly in front of wind turbines to quickly capture the surface and materials of the blades, which is very helpful for inspecting the various angles and damages of the blades. Its small size and maneuverability enable it to quickly perform surface inspection and photography of blades, without being limited by weather and marine environments. By using high-definition cameras and LiDAR technology for imaging and measurement, the surface and details of each blade can be clearly viewed. Through digital mapping, calculations and analysis can be carried out to obtain important information about damage and remaining life, effectively maintaining the stable operation of the fan.
3、 Offshore wind farm inspection
It can fly alone or in a networked manner, making it more convenient and efficient to monitor a wind farm and gain a comprehensive understanding of its situation. It can be equipped with various types of devices, such as cameras, infrared, and other sensors, to obtain a series of data and information about the operation status of wind farms. The new inspection method can greatly improve the efficiency and accuracy of inspections, thereby ensuring the safe and reliable operation of wind power generation machines.
4、 Offshore cable inspection
Cable is a key component connecting wind power generation machines and underwater stations, and its status directly affects the stability of the wind power generation machine system. Traditional cable detection methods typically require longer time and higher costs, while offshore wind power drone technology can improve detection efficiency and accuracy while reducing time and cost. Multiple sensor devices can be used, such as magnetic probes, infrared cameras, and LiDAR, to clearly understand the status of cables, detect defects, damages, and fractures, and promptly detect and handle problems, ensuring the normal operation of wind power generation machines.
Offshore wind power drones have various advantages such as speed, accuracy, low cost, and safety, which have given rise to their application in the field of offshore wind power. Through drone detection and maintenance work, the efficiency and accuracy of detection can be improved, costs and risks can be reduced, and problems with wind power generation machines can be predicted and detected early, thereby ensuring the normal construction and sustainable development of offshore wind power. In the future, with the continuous development and improvement of technology, its application in the field of offshore wind power will also continue to further develop and deepen.
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